I’ve always wanted to see New Zealand. Being able to spend almost 3 days there was just amazing and I got extremely lucky. Even though the flight is long, it was really wonderful and the crew was great! We arrived on Saturday around noon and we already made plans for Sunday, but I still didn’t want to stay in my room (as usual). So here we go:

Day 1 – Getting to know the city

Indian festival in the city centre in honor of Diwali, festival of lights celebrated every year and some street food. There is such a great indian community living in New Zealand, I had no idea. And it was wonderful. Sometimes I felt like walking through the streets of India (yes, I still need to get back there).

Perfect views on the city from the Sky Tower. Thank you, Yoghurt, for making me company.

Day 2 – Hobbiton, Middle-earth
Even the journey itself was entertaining. I was staring out of the window all the time since I don’t remember seeing that much green in my life. Grass fields extending miles and miles away with mountains in the background and sheep and cows now and then. Marvelous. Having a big gang with me this time resulted in renting a mini van. First time so many people went out to one place! Well, this one was worth seeing for sure.

I probably should have felt like a little hobbit out there, but I felt more like Alice in Wonderland instead. It felt unbelievable walking on the exact same paths where the shooting of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit took place, seeing the unbelievably green grass fields and all the hobbit holes where Bilbo and his hobbit mates were living. The Shire. Seeing that BIG tree and the lake and the party place and even the clothes hanging outside on a clothesline. Like they just left. Makes me shiver from excitement even now when I write about it. And I’m not even a huge big fan, but I just like these movies. We even got a beer at the Green Dragon, how real is that.

Day 3 – Auckland Harbour Bridge 

And 4 crazy kids together – Yoghurt from Romania, Ms. Ireland Katie, Slovakian Miska and myself. Couldn’t imagine better squad, guys.