Another great weekend behind us. I usually devote Thursday evening/ night to sleeping in order to have a nice day on Friday and to study the whole Saturday. Well, we need to if we want to be prepared for another intensive week. It’s simply amazing but also very tiring. So good night sleep needed at least in my case. And food. I didn’t go shopping yet. I plan to though.
So yesterday we went to Marina beach. Martina stated it’s the best beach in town. I suspect she wanted us to have some cardio after that four pizzas lunch. It’s a great LONG beach. And there’s not many places you can get back on track unless you wanna try to shorten your way through one of those nice private hotel gardens (well, don’t). I loved the walk though. Marina seems to be my favorite place in Dubai so far. Wandering around doesn’t bother me at all. There’s a lot of restaurants. They compete to attract customers, so the prices aren’t bad either. There’s a beach. And there’s this amazing view. 








What do you need more on Friday afternoon? The only thing that bothers me is that it’s far away. And the taxis are expensive. So you pay more to get there than you finally spent there. But nevertheless it’s worth it.
And yes, next week we go shopping.