Archive for: Květen 2016

Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) & Melbourne (Australia)

Written on 27.5.2016 in Asia

  I know I’m bad at posting on time. I’m still at least one article behind. I’ve been to KL and Melbourne like a month ago! But living here keeps me busy all the time so I don’t have as much time for writing as I wish I had. Too many things happening. Plus I...

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Where do I fly… May 2016

Written on 8.5.2016 in Where do I fly

  Glasgow (Scotland) – changed for Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)   Manilla (Philippines)    Kochi (India)   Amman (Jordan) – changed for Peshawar (Pakistan)     Not so many… cause I have leave! 🙂 I’m coming hooome, coming hoooome. For a couple of days!   Zdroj: YouTube  

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Algiers – Algeria

Written on 6.5.2016 in Africa

I usually do say that, but I liked Algiers so much. Even if I’m going to a place you would have no passion of going by yourself. To be honest, Algeria wouldn’t come to my mind either. But it’s the incredible thing about traveling. In every place there is something to be explored. And the...

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