Archive for: Leden 2016

Dubai, Burj Khalifa and The Dubai Mall

Written on 31.1.2016 in Dubai & Book

  I’m here. In Dubai. Still kinda cannot believe it’s happening and I feel like on a study vacation. It’s gonna be a payed one though 🙂   We were given a great care and attention while on the plane from Prague and with Martina, my Czech mate, we landed early on Saturday morning at...

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John Forrest National Park

Written on 28.1.2016 in Australia

This beautiful national park which is situated close to Perth was a first national park in Western Australia! There are several trails within the park, its whole area covers almost 27 km2. We just went for a short walk, because there was like 40 degrees outside on the sun but the nature was simply amazing, to...

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Australia now and then

Written on 27.1.2016 in Australia

OK.. these past three weeks ran reeeeally fast. It´s already more than a week that we came back home.  And where have we been since the last post on the blog? John Forrest National Park (5.1.)   I have a lot of pictures on this one, so I will make a separate article on it....

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Australian Hopman Cup

Written on 6.1.2016 in Australia

  As a Christmas present we got tickets to Hopman Cup, annual international famous tournament that takes place at the Perth Arena in the City of Perth. The Perth Arena!         The Czech Republic was represented by Karolina Pliskova and Jiri Vesely. We were cheering together with another Czechs who live in...

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First week in Australia

Written on 4.1.2016 in Australia

I’m writing this article with this beautiful view, what can I say…    And where I’ve been in the past few days? Bibra Lake (30.12.)   Bathers Beach – Fremantle (31.12.)   Fremantle market (1.1.)   Shoalwater Islands Marine Park – Cape Peron – Rockingham (2.1.)   City of Perth (3.1.)   Just around the corn...

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